Home News China’s Revolutionary Underground Physics Laboratory Unveiled

China’s Revolutionary Underground Physics Laboratory Unveiled

China's Revolutionary Underground Physics Laboratory DURF

In China’s Sichuan Province, underneath the Jinping Mountain, lies the world’s largest and deepest underground physics lab named DURF, short for Deep Underground and Ultra-low Radiation Background Facility for Frontier Physics Experiments. It’s set to explore the mysteries of dark matter, an unseen form of matter that doesn’t interact with light or electromagnetic fields.

Key Points About DURF

1. Extreme Depth: DURF sits 2,400 meters below the ground. This depth shields it from most cosmic rays that can disrupt scientific observations. It provides a perfect setting for precise experiments.

2. Focus on Dark Matter: Scientists are optimistic that DURF will play a crucial role in advancing dark matter research. This facility offers exclusive conditions that aren’t available elsewhere for conducting tests.

3. Ultra-Low Cosmic Rays: Positioned at this depth, DURF receives an incredibly low amount of cosmic rays, almost a hundred-millionth of what reaches the Earth’s surface. This helps create an environment ideal for accurate experiments.

Facility Advantages

DURF boasts several advantages:

  • Minimal interference during experiments due to ultra-low cosmic ray levels.
  • A controlled environment with extremely low environmental radiation.
  • Reduced radon concentration, decreasing background noise in experiments.
  • An ultra-clean space that provides specialized conditions for advanced physics experiments.

Expansion and Collaboration

The second phase of the China Jinping Underground Laboratory is DURF, a collaboration between Tsinghua University and Yalong River Hydropower Development Company, Ltd. Operational since December 2020, it has recently undergone significant expansions and upgrades, boosting its scientific capabilities.



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