WhatsApp Bans over 3.5 Million Accounts in India

WhatsApp Bans over 3.5 Million Accounts in India

WhatsApp, a Meta subsidiary, took decisive action in August to enforce the new IT Rules 2021 in India, resulting in the deactivation of an astounding 7,420,748 accounts. According to WhatsApp’s monthly compliance report, 3,506,905 accounts were proactively identified and removed without user reports. With over 500 million users, India saw an increase in consumer complaints, hitting 14,767 in August. Notably, WhatsApp responded to 71 of these complaints with corrective actions.

The term “Accounts Actioned” refers to situations in which WhatsApp responded to user reports by either banning an account or reinstating a previously banned one, depending on the circumstances.

WhatsApp highlights the importance of its user-safety report, which includes not just user complaints and actions taken, but also proactive efforts done by the network to counteract abuse.

Furthermore, the Indian government’s Grievance Appellate Committee (GAC), established to empower social media users, issued only one decision in August, which WhatsApp dutifully followed. The GAC, a significant development in India’s digital regulatory landscape, is entrusted with hearing user appeals against social media site rulings.

WhatsApp is proud of its industry-leading position in providing end-to-end encrypted messaging services that prioritize abuse prevention and mitigation. To manage these critical activities, the corporation employs a varied staff of engineers, data scientists, analysts, researchers, and specialists in law enforcement, internet safety, and technology.



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