NASA’s $1 Billion Plan to Bring the ISS Back to Earth

The Grand Farewell of the International Space Station

NASA International Space Station (ISS) Retirement

The International Space Station (ISS) is a special space station that orbits close to Earth. It’s like a team effort involving five space agencies: NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA. The ISS isn’t just a massive object in space; it’s also the biggest satellite flying around Earth. You can even see it from the ground, and it’s been a hub for all sorts of science projects.

NASA’s Retirement Idea

Recently, NASA shared its plan to retire the ISS and bring it back to Earth. This is a huge job and could cost around $1 billion! To make it happen, NASA needs to create a new space vehicle, and they’re looking for help. On September 20, they asked companies to help build something called the US Deorbit Vehicle (USDV). This special vehicle will play a vital role in bringing the ISS safely back home.

What’s the USDV’s Job?

International Space Station (ISS)

Think of the USDV as a space tow truck. Its main job is to move the ISS from where it is now, which is about 175 miles above Earth, to a lower spot at around 75 miles above Earth. This is the first step in retiring the ISS. NASA wants the USDV to be safe, reliable, and not too expensive because it’s a big mission.

Similar to the Mir Space Station

Some experts say this idea is a bit like what happened with the Mir space station in the past. Back then, they also brought it back to Earth, and lots of stuff came down into the ocean. When this happens, they’ll make sure to warn everyone and clear the sky. It’s kind of like how smaller spacecraft like ISS cargo ships return to Earth about once a month.

Challenges in Bringing It Down

While the ISS can be carefully lowered to about 250 km above Earth, after that, the special USDV will have to take control. It’s a bit like driving on a windy road, and it takes a lot of power to steer. If they lose control and the ISS starts tumbling, it could cause problems because they won’t be able to use the rocket engines effectively.

The ISS’s Important Role in Science

For more than 20 years, the ISS has been like a floating lab for space scientists. They’ve done all kinds of experiments in areas like biology, physics, medicine, materials, Earth science, and space science. This huge space station weighs about 444,615 kg and has been a place for groundbreaking research and development.

The ISS Crew’s Job

The crew living on the ISS has been a big part of these experiments. They’ve volunteered to be test subjects to study how humans adapt to living in space. Besides their scientific work, they also do everyday things like cooking and cleaning during their long stays. These experiments are super important for getting us ready to explore the rest of the solar system.



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