GSAT-31 was launched

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Communication Satellite GSAT-31 Launch by Ariane-5 ESA

06 February 2019 : GSAT-31, a high-throughput communications satellite created by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), was launched on February 6, 2019 from Kourou Launch Base in French Guiana by launch vehicle Ariane-5 VA-247.

In order to replace some of the satellites that will soon expire, this Ku-band communication satellite was launched into geostationary orbit.

GSAT-31 will contribute to the delivery of DTH television services, connecting to VSATs for ATM, stock market, digital satellite news gathering (DSNG), and e-government applications. The satellite will also be utilised to carry large amounts of data for a variety of new communications applications. The satellite transmits two Ku-band beacon downlink signals to aid with terrestrial tracking.

GSAT-31 has about 15 years left on its mission after launch.

Ariane 5

Ariane-5 Rocket by European space Agency ESA

The backbone of Europe’s autonomous access to space is the Ariane 5 rocket.

Currently, Ariane 5 ECA is the only configuration in use (Evolved Cryogenic, model A). It is capable of launching one, two, or three enormous satellites.

Image : Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) , The European Space Agency (ESA)


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