Exciting Discovery Unveils a Hidden World on Coral Reefs!

Exciting Discovery Unveils a Hidden World on Coral Reefs

A team of scientists embarked on a mind-blowing 10-year journey to uncover the secrets of coral reefs and discovered a mind-boggling diversity of microbes, some of which had never been seen before!

The scientists from the Tara Oceans expedition collected over 50,000 samples of water, sediment, and coral from more than 200 locations in the Pacific Ocean. They then used DNA sequencing techniques to analyze the samples and discovered over 10,000 different microbial species residing on coral reefs. Many of these little critters were total newcomers to the scientific scene!

These awesome microbes play crucial roles in the coral reef ecosystem, helping with nutrient cycling, providing food for coral, and protecting them from diseases. But our coral reefs are in danger due to climate change, which is causing them to bleach and perish at an alarming rate.



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